Discover the key to a supple spine with our guide to essential stretches. Enhance your flexibility and enjoy a pain-free back with these simple moves.
Ease into spinal flexibility with the Cat-Cow Stretch. Alternate between arching and rounding your back to loosen tight muscles and improve circulation.
The Seated Forward Bend gently stretches your spine, hamstrings, and shoulders. Sit and reach forward, keeping your spine straight for a deep stretch.
Relax your spine with the Child's Pose. This restful stretch relieves tension in your back, hips, and thighs, promoting a flexible and healthy spine.
The Spinal Twist is a rejuvenating stretch that promotes spinal mobility. Twist gently from side to side to massage your back and stretch the spinal muscles.
Strengthen your spine with the Cobra Pose. Lie on your stomach and lift your chest, engaging your back muscles for a supportive and flexibility-boosting stretch.
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