Your heart may be at risk from daily habits you don't even think about. Uncover the hidden behaviors that could be causing harm.
Prolonged sitting can slow circulation and affect heart health. Stand up for your heart and break up your sitting time.
Snoring isn't just a nighttime nuisance. It can be a sign of sleep apnea, which is linked to heart disease.
Artificial sweeteners in diet sodas may lead to unwanted weight gain and metabolic issues, impacting heart health.
Ignoring your gums can lead to more than cavities. Gum disease is a known risk factor for heart disease.
Excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure, a silent killer that damages your heart over time.
Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Managing stress is crucial for a healthy heart.
While regular exercise is key, too much intense exercise without rest can strain the heart and may increase risk.
Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy & food